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_DSC4197mom and babies_DSC4198 mom and babies_DSC4199 family_DSC4207 mom and babies_DSC4211 family_DSC4231 familyDSC_3857 egretDSC_3836 pelican with wings spread_JGP1276 PELICAN DIVING FOR FOOD_JGP1285 PELICAN FLYING_JGP1376 Pelican Flying_JGP1295 EGRET FLYING_JGP1888 crop Ibis Family_JGP1914 Snowy Egret_JGP1918Snowy Egret_JGP2009 Male Hooded Merganser_JGP2062 Brown Pelican_JGP2069_JGP2080_JGP2093 Male Hooded Mergansers